We advise on the full gamut of HR in the UK, be it from simple employment contracts, recruitment, performance, absence, business transfers, family friendly issues, discrimination and grievances, discipline, dismissals, redundancies (including collective), agency issues, working time – to name a few!
You will undoubtedly be asking what can we do for you and why we are different from the other HR Advisors out there.
Here’s the answer;
We provide sensible practical advice free from unnecessary waffle and legal jargon.
We are managed by an Employment Lawyer with 20 years experience so understand the legalities of all HR issues to make sure your business is fully compliant but won’r bore you to tears quoting case-law and quotes from Judges. We speak simply because we know our stuff and won’t try to ‘blind you with science’!
It means we understand the needs of a business, we know UK workplaces want to treat their workers and employees fairly.
We know, also, that you don’t have the time to spend hours, days or even weeks of your precious time sorting out your HR issues. You want swift practical advice which applies the law to you without the ‘waffle’.
The services we offer are as follows;
1. Simple one off pieces of work paid on a fixed fee basis. We shall listen carefully to your requirements and quote a fixed fee.
2. Retainer packages to suit your business needs. Our rates are competitive and transparent. Plus we won’t tie you into lengthy contracts for our service. We want you to stay with us because you like our advice, not because we’ve bound you by contract.
3. A fully outsourced HR Department where you can engage one or a number of our team to work directly with your business working on your site for as many hours per week as you need. After a consultation with you about your business needs we can quote for the outsourced HR package.
4. HR Software to manage all typical HR issues such as holidays, absence, maternity, family friendly issues, etc.
All of our advice is covered by a fully comprehensive legal indemnity insurance.
We can also provide you with legal expenses insurance packages.
Contact us today to discuss ways in which we can assist you.
3000 Cathedral Hill, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7YB
Telephone No: 01483 243 699